Barrio de las Letras de Madrid: Sigue los pasos de famosos escritores (Spanish)
created by JuliaViajera, nacida y criada en Madrid
Rated 4.78 out of 5 based on 9 customer ratings
10 reviews
€24,00 per group (1-5 people)
Play anytime within the next 3 months
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado dónde encuentran los escritores su inspiración? En este divertido recorrido autoguiado por el Barrio de las Letras descubrirás los lugares que fueron el hogar de famosos escritores y poetas. Resuelve los acertijos que se esconden en las localizaciones siguiéndole los pasos a Miguel de Cervantes, Lope de Vega o Maria de Zayas. Desbloquea las historias y recomendaciones que ha seleccionado la creadora de esta ruta, Julia ¡Una apasionada tanto de la literatura como de su ciudad natal: Madrid!
Este recorrido a través de Madrid afila tus sentidos y te anima a apreciar los maravillosos -y muchas veces ocultos- detalles que te rodean. Conozcas o no el Barrio de las Letras esta experiencia te dará una perspectiva sobre los descubrimientos que inspirará tu curiosidad donde quiera que vayas después.
We know you’ll love our experiences, but if this is your first, rest assured - you can solve up to three riddles and still get a full refund, or in case of the Wonder Walks - all subscription plans come with one week free trial. See our T&Cs here.
All our trails are created by locals. Buy the one that intrigues you the most. After the purchase, you’ll receive a link to your game via email.
2. Ready, set, go!
Go to the game’s starting location indicated in the email (play anytime up to 3 months from the purchase). Tap the Play button and the game will magically open in your phone's browser!
3. Find secrets
With each riddle solved, new cryptic directions will take you from one hidden gem to the next. You’ll unlock local stories and recommendations on your way too!
4. Win!
Play for the fastest time and get listed on our leaderboard. Or, take your time and share your best adventure photo using #secretcitytrails. Both might lead to a free game!
Designation | Improvement of digital skills and brand positioning (Reforço das ferramentas digitais e posicionamento da marca) Project ID| LISBOA-02-0853-FEDER-041111 Specific Goal | Reinforcing the competitiveness of SMEs Intervention Area | Lisbon Beneficiary Entity | COSMIKPANTHER LDA
Approval Date| 26-02-2019 Starting Date| 12-01-2018 Ending Date| 30-11-2020 Total Eligible Cost | 52.153,13 EUR Financial Support from the European Union| FEDER – 20.861,25 EUR
Expected/Obtained Objectives, Activities and Results: Secret City Trails is gamifying city experiences through cryptic and playful discovery games. In that context, the main aim of the project is to improve the digital skills and to strength the positioning and design of the brand (Secret City Trails) for the international market. The planned investments include: 1. the creation of a mobile application; 2. the structuring and implementation of brand positioning and communication strategy for target markets; 3. the trademark registration in Portugal/EU, Singapore and USA; 4. the hiring of highly qualified technical staff.
Opera’s phantoms –
Experiència muy entretenida
Anita y chipi –
Me ha una manera de conocer sitios e historias que hacen mas bonito el viaje
Renacer –
Muy bonito y entretenido
Los Poirot –
Muy divertido!
En familia –
Muy recomendable
Los Fénixs –
Emocionante, divertida, cultural y muy interesante.
Tarraco Team –
Soso –
Hipwy –