Showing all 9 results
Budapest Széchenyi Bath: Zig-Zag along Andrássy Avenue
€22,00 per group (1-5 people)Play anytime within the next 3 months
A Budai Várnegyed: ahogy eddig még nem láttad!
€24,00 per group (1-5 people)Play anytime within the next 3 months
Budapest’s Castle Hill: history & mystery… revealed
€24,00 per group (1-5 people)Play anytime within the next 3 months
Budapest varázslatos Dunapartja: A halott mókus rejtélye (Hungarian)
€22,00 per group (1-5 people)Play anytime within the next 3 months
Budapest’s Scenic Danube Banks: a mysterious city tour
€22,00 per group (1-5 people)Play anytime within the next 3 months
A budapesti Gellért hegy rejtélyei (Hungarian)
€26,00 per group (1-5 people)Play anytime within the next 3 months
Budapest ötödik kerülete: Szobrászati utazás a város szívében (Hungarian)
€22,00 per group (1-5 people)Play anytime within the next 3 months
Budapest’s District V: A Sculptural Journey Through The Heart Of The City
€22,00 per group (1-5 people)Play anytime within the next 3 months
Budapest’s Gellért Hill: Mysteries and Riddles
€26,00 per group (1-5 people)Play anytime within the next 3 months